Sunset Simulation

For this simulation the observer is at a height of 126 m above the surface of the Earth and the temperature profile is:
   h(m)   T(K)
    0.00 288.00
  100.00 288.00
  115.00 289.20
  615.00 285.95
 5100.00 256.00
10100.00 223.00
15100.00 217.00
20100.00 217.00
25100.00 222.00
The observer is 11 meters above an inversion layer 15m thick. Within the inversion layer, the temperature gadient is 0.08K/m, so the top of the inversion is 1.2K warmer that the bottom. The white line in the images below is the astronomical horizon and the blue pixels represent rays that strke the surface of the Earth.

-25,-30,-35,-40 arcminutes (below)

-45,-50,-55,-60 arcminutes (below)

-65,-70,-75,-80 arcminutes (below)